Tag Archives: Loading dose

Fingers crossed this is our month!!


So here we go again!  My LH surge happened Wednesday and Thursday the 10th & 11th.  Of course we did the baby dance through Friday, so now we are at that dreaded 2-week wait time.

I’ve been doing all those herbal remedies and using my progesterone cream twice daily as recommended at the loading dose of 1/2 tsp.  I’m glad tomorrow is CD26 so I can stop with the cream and take a break from some of these supplements.  I stopped the Maca a couple of days ago, but not sure about restarting while waiting.  They claim no reports of issues if taken while pregnant but I’m still uncertain.

It’s been a great bonding experience, nothing like trying to create life to bring 2 people closer together.  The downside, it’s a pain in the butt to have to have to “be together” so you don’t miss your window!  Wish me luck that July is in fact my lucky month!

On a side note, I started the Paleo Diet a little over a week ago.  I’m stoked about the 5.4 pound weight loss!  I’m sticking with it right now, just hoping that in the future I can find the right balance so I can occasionally enjoy legumes, potatoes and grains again.  A diet like the Paleo Diet was recommended to me by my OB/Gyn so here’s to hoping that some weight loss with the natural supplements equals ovulation this month!